Having used UE4 for several years in BP mode, i would like to try learning C++ also.
However, when trying to create a brand new project, i get this error and everythings goes to a halt.
I have tried opening with Visual Studio, and building the project in there, no change.
I have tried right clicking on the MyProject.uproject file and selecting generate Visual Studio project files.
I have tried uninstalling Visual Studio and installing again, with different settings, incl. .Net desktop development, Game Development with C++, Win 10 SDK, Unreal Launcher, Universal Windows Platfrom Development. It’s the 2017 Community version i am using.
When creating the project i receive this error, and cannot open it in UE.
If i try to build, and open again, i get this error.
How can i get started with Visual Studio, or is it not worth it due to all this hassle?