Can't open my project, Unhandled Exception crashes

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



I can’t open my project anymore, it always loads up to 80% and crashes when it reads “loading map” or “initializing world”. I always get this:

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000040

Steps to Reproduce

Yesterday I started adding splines (grind vines) to the level, and added a waterfall VFX that used to cause an error message before I think. I also deactivated damage on a bunch of trees. Other than that I just placed decorational assets as usual.

The problem first happened after I saved my changes locally without check-in and closed the editor. Then I couldn’t open the project anymore. Deleting some folders (AppData → Local → UnrealEditorFortnite → Intermediate & Saved) helped and I continued building the level, checked in my changes and closed the editor.

This morning UEFN had an update, and I couldn’t start the project at all anymore.

Other things I tried: Also deleting & reinstalling the project, reinstalling UEFN and Fortnite, updating nvidia driver and setting 3D settings to default.
Other people can still open the project on their device, just doesn’t work anymore for me

Expected Result

I expected the problem was corrupted files in the app data folders, and the project would start again (after deleting them again at least)

Observed Result

Still getting crashes



Have you tried running system file checker? kernel32 and ntdll are system files, so that might be causing the issue. ‘Exception_access_violation’ is just a standard crash i.e UEFN tried to access something that it couldn’t/shouldn’t for some reason.

If you’re not sure how to run system file checker here’s Microsoft’s website: Use the System File Checker tool to repair missing or corrupted system files - Microsoft Support

Might not work but doesn’t hurt to try :slight_smile:

I just tried it and corrupted files were found and repaired, but I still get the same crash.
But thanks a lot for your help still! :slight_smile: