Can't open my project? EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000040

I attempted to cook my project earlier tonight after adding a good bit of stuff to it

I was met with this Error:
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000040

I then went scouring through the forums and tried every fix I could find

I ended up deleting a bunch of blueprints that were causing warnings, just in case
Then, I reset my graphics card settings to default, among a bunch of other “fixes”

I ended up restarting my PC, only to be met with the same error upon startup

Here is the full crash log : here

Then, here is the log file generated in the Saved folder:

Here is one more from a cook attempt from earlier:

Any help is appreciated, I am gone for the weekend, so am kind of stressing

  1. Close Unreal Editor
  2. Delete Binaries folder in your project folder
  3. Open the project and let Unreal Engine build your project

hope this will help