Hello, i am trying to make my first VR game, Im using the VR Template to learn.
I have a simple AI Blueprint where the AI is supposed to follow Get Player Character… For some reason the AI doesnt see my player but some times it does see me, and when it sees me it doesnt follow me it goes straight to the Recast NavMash, it runs to it and stops. First i didnt know what it was running to until i started removing Items in the outliner one by one. I think the AI only follows a Player on a ground level with skeletal mesh and doesnt follow Player wich is not touching the ground.
Ive tried diffrent blueprints but always the same issue…
The blueprint works fine in other templates, like third person and first person.
This is something that Unreal Engine 5 programmers and engineers have to fix with the Get Player Character, but does anyone have a fix for this issue ??
Currently im trying to learn on UE5 for making VR games and ive been 2 days trying to fix this with no success and this is very important to me because im trying to make a Horror scene where a AI is supposed to be following the player.
Please help, I cant continue learning new things while spending to much time on trying to
fix this.
So you’ve got it correct, AI will only attempt to reach a target on the navigation mesh. If it deems you aren’t reachable, it doesn’t try to move to that location.
The problem with the VR pawn is that you don’t really have normal collisions, and aren’t hyper constrained to the ground as say a third person or first person pawn would be.
So in general, if your AI is working fine outside of this issue, the fix will just be getting the nearest location on the navigation mesh that the player is. The easiest way is if the player cannot lean out of the play area or jump up somewhere where the navigation mesh isn’t on, you can just use a trace to the ground and send that location to the AI. However with VR users, they can lean their HMD into things that are much higher or lower than the AI can handle without extra programming.
The node to use:
A thread showing an effective example to use it for the same reason you need (minus VR):
Thank you very much you saved me alot of time, your the man
Here is a picture of a blueprint where AI follows you in Virtual Reality for those who are learning on AI VR, AI BOT, Virtual Reality AI, Virtual Reality BOT