Ever since today’s Fortnite update, I’ve been unable to launch a session in UEFN. This issue is only affecting one specific project—my other projects are working fine. When I try to launch a session, I’m just stuck in the UEFN lobby, and after about 5 minutes, I receive errors.
Everything was functioning perfectly before the update. I have already tried restarting my PC, restarting Fortnite & UEFN, disabling revision control, and testing different snapshots of the project. I even tried deleting all assets and actors, but unfortunately, nothing has resolved the issue.
If anyone has any suggestions or solutions, I would truly appreciate your help, as I’d love to avoid losing all the hard work that has gone into this project.
Below is my output log for reference:
LogValkyrieActivityTracker: Upload → Continue Activity: guna - Creating module versions
LogValkyrieSyncProject: Display: Profile Begin SyncProject.CreateModuleVersions
LogValkyrieSummary: Creating Module Version
LogValkyrieSyncProject: Creating module versions with a ModuleUploadConcurrencyLimit of 3
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 1674.236694
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 1674.638306, Update Interval: 337.969910
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 1697.283325
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 1697.685913, Update Interval: 351.448730
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 1 on
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 2 on
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 3 on
LogEOSSDK: LogEOSPresence: Updating Presence to Online. LocalUserId=[67d…7ad] RichText=
LogEOSSDK: Warning: LogEOS: FEpicGamesPlatform::GetOnlinePlatformType - unable to map None to EOS_OnlinePlatformType
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 4 on
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 5 on
LogHttp: Warning: HttpRetry: Resetting log verbosity to Warning due to requests being retried
LogOnline: Warning: OSS: Http Unexpected Result: HttpResult: 0 Code: 0 Error: Failure, Message=Connection to the server failed., Raw=connection_failure
LogValkyrieSyncProject: Error: CreateModuleVersion error: Failure, Message=Connection to the server failed., Raw=connection_failure
LogValkyrieSyncProject: Display: Profile SyncProject.CreateModuleVersions, 277.324843
LogValkyrieSyncProject: Error: CreateModuleVersions failed: see log for details
LogValkyrieSyncProject: Display: Profile Begin SyncProject.Complete
LogValkyrieScratchManifest: Display: Profile Begin SyncProject.PruneScratchSpaceFiles.ScratchManifest.LoadFromCloud.FetchManifestLink.FetchDssLinks
LogValkyrieScratchManifest: Display: Profile Begin SyncProject.ScratchManifest.McpDssGetFileLinks
LogValkyrieSummary: Project guna failed to update
LogValkyrieActivityTracker: Warning: Upload → Fail Activity: guna - Failed to create module version
Connection to the server failed.
LogValkyrieSyncProject: Display: Profile SyncProject.Complete, 0.013663
LogValkyrieSyncProject: Display: Profile SyncProject, 287.421801
LogValkyrieFortniteEditorLiveEdit: Verbose: FValkyrieFortniteEditorLiveEdit::UploadEnd C:/Users/Beam/Documents/Fortnite Projects/guna_/guna.uefnproject, EValkyrieSyncProjectState::Failed
LogValkyrieFortniteEditorLiveEdit: Verbose: FValkyrieFortniteEditorLiveEdit::SetUploadRequired 1
LogValkyrieFortniteEditorLiveEdit: Verbose: FValkyrieFortniteEditorLiveEdit::SetTrackingUploadRequired 0
LogValkyrieRequestManagerEditor: OnProjectSyncCompleted: C:/Users/Beam/Documents/Fortnite Projects/guna_/guna.uefnproject, EValkyrieSyncProjectState::Failed
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: Displaying Stats for Flow
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: =========================
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: Flow=Refresh
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: RefreshFlow=287.423
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ UploadCookDownload=287.423
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ ProjectUpload=287.422
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ SyncWithContentService=0.803
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ UpdateProjectMetadata=0.425
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ StageProjectModules=0.503
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ GatherFilesForValidation=0.000
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ DownloadPublishedVerseFiles=0.165
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ ValidateProject=4.814
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ PruneScratchSpaceFiles=1.407
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ UploadFiles=0.354
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ CreateModuleVersions=277.325
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: =================================
LogValkyrieActivityTracker: Warning: Upload → Fail Activity: UploadProjects - All uploads failed with errors
LogValkyrieScratchManifest: Display: Profile SyncProject.ScratchManifest.McpDssGetFileLinks, 0.363728
LogValkyrieScratchManifest: Display: Profile SyncProject.PruneScratchSpaceFiles.ScratchManifest.LoadFromCloud.FetchManifestLink.FetchDssLinks, 0.363751
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 2061.999023
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 2062.399414, Update Interval: 323.657959
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 2089.604004
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 2090.003906, Update Interval: 333.652161
LogEOSSDK: LogEOSPresence: Updating Presence to Online. LocalUserId=[67d…7ad] RichText=
LogEOSSDK: Warning: LogEOS: FEpicGamesPlatform::GetOnlinePlatformType - unable to map None to EOS_OnlinePlatformType
Thank you!
Please select what you are reporting on:
Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
Steps to Reproduce
I launch the session and I remain stuck in the lobby, and wait about 5 minutes untill an error appears
Expected Result
The session should successfully launch without being stuck in lobby
Observed Result
The session remains stuck in the UEFN lobby.
After about 5 minutes, an error message appears.