Can't launch session since new update!!


Ever since today’s Fortnite update, I’ve been unable to launch a session in UEFN. This issue is only affecting one specific project—my other projects are working fine. When I try to launch a session, I’m just stuck in the UEFN lobby, and after about 5 minutes, I receive errors.

Everything was functioning perfectly before the update. I have already tried restarting my PC, restarting Fortnite & UEFN, disabling revision control, and testing different snapshots of the project. I even tried deleting all assets and actors, but unfortunately, nothing has resolved the issue.

If anyone has any suggestions or solutions, I would truly appreciate your help, as I’d love to avoid losing all the hard work that has gone into this project.

Below is my output log for reference:
LogValkyrieActivityTracker: Upload → Continue Activity: guna - Creating module versions
LogValkyrieSyncProject: Display: Profile Begin SyncProject.CreateModuleVersions
LogValkyrieSummary: Creating Module Version
LogValkyrieSyncProject: Creating module versions with a ModuleUploadConcurrencyLimit of 3
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 1674.236694
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 1674.638306, Update Interval: 337.969910
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 1697.283325
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 1697.685913, Update Interval: 351.448730
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 1 on
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 2 on
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 3 on
LogEOSSDK: LogEOSPresence: Updating Presence to Online. LocalUserId=[67d…7ad] RichText=
LogEOSSDK: Warning: LogEOS: FEpicGamesPlatform::GetOnlinePlatformType - unable to map None to EOS_OnlinePlatformType
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 4 on
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 5 on
LogHttp: Warning: HttpRetry: Resetting log verbosity to Warning due to requests being retried
LogOnline: Warning: OSS: Http Unexpected Result: HttpResult: 0 Code: 0 Error: Failure, Message=Connection to the server failed., Raw=connection_failure
LogValkyrieSyncProject: Error: CreateModuleVersion error: Failure, Message=Connection to the server failed., Raw=connection_failure
LogValkyrieSyncProject: Display: Profile SyncProject.CreateModuleVersions, 277.324843
LogValkyrieSyncProject: Error: CreateModuleVersions failed: see log for details
LogValkyrieSyncProject: Display: Profile Begin SyncProject.Complete
LogValkyrieScratchManifest: Display: Profile Begin SyncProject.PruneScratchSpaceFiles.ScratchManifest.LoadFromCloud.FetchManifestLink.FetchDssLinks
LogValkyrieScratchManifest: Display: Profile Begin SyncProject.ScratchManifest.McpDssGetFileLinks
LogValkyrieSummary: Project guna failed to update
LogValkyrieActivityTracker: Warning: Upload → Fail Activity: guna - Failed to create module version
Connection to the server failed.
LogValkyrieSyncProject: Display: Profile SyncProject.Complete, 0.013663
LogValkyrieSyncProject: Display: Profile SyncProject, 287.421801
LogValkyrieFortniteEditorLiveEdit: Verbose: FValkyrieFortniteEditorLiveEdit::UploadEnd C:/Users/Beam/Documents/Fortnite Projects/guna_/guna.uefnproject, EValkyrieSyncProjectState::Failed
LogValkyrieFortniteEditorLiveEdit: Verbose: FValkyrieFortniteEditorLiveEdit::SetUploadRequired 1
LogValkyrieFortniteEditorLiveEdit: Verbose: FValkyrieFortniteEditorLiveEdit::SetTrackingUploadRequired 0
LogValkyrieRequestManagerEditor: OnProjectSyncCompleted: C:/Users/Beam/Documents/Fortnite Projects/guna_/guna.uefnproject, EValkyrieSyncProjectState::Failed
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: Displaying Stats for Flow
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: =========================
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: Flow=Refresh
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: RefreshFlow=287.423
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ UploadCookDownload=287.423
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ ProjectUpload=287.422
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ SyncWithContentService=0.803
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ UpdateProjectMetadata=0.425
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ StageProjectModules=0.503
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ GatherFilesForValidation=0.000
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ DownloadPublishedVerseFiles=0.165
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ ValidateProject=4.814
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ PruneScratchSpaceFiles=1.407
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ UploadFiles=0.354
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: ↳ CreateModuleVersions=277.325
LogValkyrieEditorAnalytics: =================================
LogValkyrieActivityTracker: Warning: Upload → Fail Activity: UploadProjects - All uploads failed with errors
LogValkyrieScratchManifest: Display: Profile SyncProject.ScratchManifest.McpDssGetFileLinks, 0.363728
LogValkyrieScratchManifest: Display: Profile SyncProject.PruneScratchSpaceFiles.ScratchManifest.LoadFromCloud.FetchManifestLink.FetchDssLinks, 0.363751
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 2061.999023
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 2062.399414, Update Interval: 323.657959
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 2089.604004
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 2090.003906, Update Interval: 333.652161
LogEOSSDK: LogEOSPresence: Updating Presence to Online. LocalUserId=[67d…7ad] RichText=
LogEOSSDK: Warning: LogEOS: FEpicGamesPlatform::GetOnlinePlatformType - unable to map None to EOS_OnlinePlatformType

Thank you!

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

I launch the session and I remain stuck in the lobby, and wait about 5 minutes untill an error appears

Expected Result

The session should successfully launch without being stuck in lobby

Observed Result

The session remains stuck in the UEFN lobby.
After about 5 minutes, an error message appears.



Upload an image

FORT-864635 has been created and its status is ‘Unconfirmed’. This is now in a queue to be reproduced and confirmed.

Yes I’ve been having the same issue fora while without any type of fix, @Flak this is the most up to date information and the problem is same as mine, unable to do anything at all with my project! :confused:

I have a project that often won’t launch after a UEFN update unless I rebuild HLODs for it

Is it similar error? Because the thing is even if I try remove everything or revert back to old snapshots from revision control where this issue wasn’t present, it does nothing other than show the same problem

I even attempted deleting HLODs

Quick Update:
I tried building HLODs again, it didn’t seem to fix the problem at all, thank you for your answer although :frowning:

I can’t remember the errors thrown, but your lucky if it actually points out a problem other than a sync failure
But if youve built HLODs before launching then I guess thats not the issue.

Have you done a Build Landscape (ignore all yellow warnings and deselect them with the Show button) to see if you have any Red errors ?

If there is a problem in the HLOD and it’s holding old obsolete references, the Delete HLODs from the build menu seems to miss these and making a totally new HLOD layer works.
From trial and error, the best way to Delete HLODs, IF they are corrupted

This is how I replace HLOD Layer (pasted from a text file)

  • Close Fortnite Edit/Play Mode if its running
  • Check-in Changes and make a snapshot with URC for backup
  • Make a new HLOD Layer in Content Browser - Right Click>World>HLOD Layer
  • Delete existing HLOD Layer - Replace References to the new one - DON’T Save - When it asks, otherwise it will keep the bad references in the HLOD
  • Double Click on Level Thumbnail in Content Browser to reload map, can save if prompted
  • Do a Build Landscape - ignore Yellow Warnings - use drop down filter to deselect them - deal with any Red Errors
  • Double Click your Level Thumbnail again, Save.
  • Build HLODs
  • Try to launch session

If the build is successful but the launch is a failure, then I think you can rule out HLODs as the issue.

Yeah it must not be HLOD related…

If your errors the same, maybe you can find out what you have in common, it would be a good place to start troubleshooting.

Sequencers, AI, Foilage, using Custom assets ?

We are also experiencing this issue on our project since the update. “Failed to create module version. Connect to the server failed.”

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The issue seems to be fixed! Everyone go check your projects :partying_face:

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