Can't launch from Visual Studio

I had some issues with the editor crashing on launch, so I tried to delete some of the cached files. I deleted the folders Binaries, DerivedDataCache and Intermediate. The editor didn’t launch at all after this, so I restored all of those folders. Now, in Visual Basic the Launch Windows Debugger button disappeared and changed into an Attach… button:

Instead of the usual:

How can I restore this?

In solution explorer, try setting UE4 as startup project.
Right click on Engine/UE4 and select “Set as startup project”.

An Attach option is visible when your startup project type is something other than executable(a dll for example).

Thanks a lot!

genius! ty

Set as startup project worked for me too, but not in UE5 inside the Engine folder, but in the file with the name of your project, under the Game folder.

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