Hi, I have sketchup studio which is a version of sketchup pro with more features but when i try to istall datasmith to it, datasmith cant find my sketchup pro version, maybe its because its labeled differently? how do I force install?
Are you using the Datasmith Sketchup 5.2 preview version? we added support for sketchup 2023 in the 5.2 version.
hi, I’m using sketchup pro 2023
and the datasmith doesn’t recognize it.
i tried to download the 5.2 version u mentioned but still get the same result.
wt can i do?
Okay, I though the support for sketchup 2023 was in the installer for preview 1 but it was not.
Preview 2 should come out soon, can you try when this one comes out?
Hi there, I just wanted to ask for an update regarding datasmith plugin for Sketchup Pro 2023. Any idea on an ETA?
Try with this exporter https://unrealstudio.epicgames.com/UnrealDatasmithSketchUpExporter_5_2_Preview2.msi
if it does not work please let us know.
Thank you. Sad to tell you, it doesn’t work at least on my system. Says cant find file but its there. Please help.
For you,
- Download https://unrealstudio.epicgames.com/UnrealDatasmithSketchUpExporter_4_27_1.msi
- run the installer and select to uninstall/remove datasmith 4.27.1 for sketchup pro
- then run your 5.3.2 Datasmith Installer again to install on Sketchup
Thank you so much UE_FlavienP. Thats awesome. This helps!
Im having the same problem to uninstall the previous version of the datasmith… i cant find it anywhere in the pc but it appears in the control panel as an option to uninstall but it doesnt work and shows these same error messages
edit: found resolution to my problem here Datasmith uninstall/install/repair/update not working