Cant include Engine Plugin Header in C++ Class .h file, but in .cpp file

Hello, this is my first question here and I hope I could get help.

I am working with an AWS Plugin which isn’t in the Project directly, but in the Engine/Plugin/Marketplace.

I’ve now created a C++ Class to use Functions of that Plugin, but I can’t include the headers in my .h file.

My .cpp file can Include them just fine and use them like shown here:

But in the .h file I cant even see to be able to Add the Plugin anywhere.
I cant find it directly with #include “” and when I search around in #include <> I cant find it under Engine, Runtime etc.

I think Ive got the build.cs right and Included everything there.

I’ve seen many people suggest something like PublicDependicyPath or PrivateDependencyPath and under PrivateDependendyModuleNames.AddRange"MODULENAME/CLasses, MODULENAME/Public" etc. but adding these won’t help and result in errors saying “Modulename/Private cant be found” or “No Path to ModuleName/Classes”.

So now im at a loss how I can achieve that lastbit of Information missing to be able to use the Plugin within C++ in my custom Classes.

Hello! Can you check build.cs file for Plugin? Plugin itself can provide some headers as Public and some as Private and so the thing can be not in your project build.cs…

Sorry for the late reply. I’ve checked that and it was correct as far as I’ve seen.

I’ve contaced the Pluginmaker, which said that using his Functions in CPP etc. would be taking a huge detour and wouldnt be more performant than Blueprints, so I will take his word on that and will filter out my functions in UObjects and Components instead of C++, thanks anyways tho!