left sphere material has 1.0 reflection, right one 0.5, other than that they are the same.
the right material only reflects when exposed to sunlight, when under skylight only it’s not getting any reflections. the weird part is that this used to work before.
if I change my skylight from movable to stationary I get the reflections back, but everything else becomes bizarre, like some sort of low res real time ambient occlusion attempt. I have no idea what’s going on.
it’s the same level. I just migrated the level and everything on it to the new (broken) version of the project. same lighting, same materials, same level, same everything.
What could it be that is different from one project to another?
I checked the world settings from both, they seem to be identical. trying to see if in project settings there’s something different, but i have no idea what could it be. ideas?