Maybe enlarging/zooming in the distortion map would help, but I don’t know how to do. Changing UV tiling in Text Cord nodes doesn’t go way I’d like. Just in case, let me rephrase - I was thinking that zooming in enough to fit the camera view in the center part of distortion map could hide these extreme stretches outside view.
Hello, I am currently trying to achieve what you currently have but I need some help. I have followed the whole tutorial video and eventually added it to the camera/scene but I am getting this:
I am fairly new to Unreal Engine 4 so I don’t really understand a lot but I would really like some help with this problem. What I am trying to achieve is a fisheye effect on the scene/camera.
For anyone that’s interested I have gotten it to work, you can find the code here: [Fisheye effect unreal engine -][1]
[1]: Fisheye effect unreal engine -
There is still a minor issue if you use it now as a post process on your camera it will make other post processes in the map not visible for example water won’t be visible. I am currently working on something else.
using 4.18, when i copy the code, i can only get the comments windows to copy;
is there a way to share this material or I’m doing it wrong?