Cant get player replication to work and I am new to this

So I have made a custom player pawn blueprint and I can’t get the replication to work for it, it works with other things within the scene. I am an artist and pretty new to Blueprint. I tick the replication boxes on the blueprint and nothing happens. plz any suggestion would be appreciated, I am probably missing something obvious because with default character it works fine other than client to server replication. I have looked up videos but they all start with the default player so no help.

#Replication #UE4-26

“it works fine other than client to server replication”
I assume from this that the problem is that you expect clients to replicate property changes (such as “isCharging” to the server, for example the client sets “isCharging” to “true” and you expect the client to tell the server to also set it to “true”?

Clients do not replicate property to the server, only property changes on the server get replicated to clients (if the actor replicates and the property is set to replicate). Clients have to use RPC function calls in order to communicate with the server:

And even then, clients can only use RPCs to the server with objects they “own”, meaning in most cases clients can only use RPCs on their owned player controller and the pawn/character they possess with their player controller (see link, there are neat tables).

Or did I misunderstand what you mean what the problem is?
In that case, can you elaborate what exactly the issue is:
Does the pawn not show up on clients if spawned on the server?
Do the pawns show up on clients but not move?
Do the properties (such as “isCharging”) not replicate from the server to the clients?
Do RPCs not work?
Anything else?

And how are you using the pawn you have shown in the pictures:
Is it the default player pawn in the gamemode settings?
Is it spawned by the server at game-time and you expect it to show up on clients?
Anything else?

thanks, I lot will look into it more but if I am right it should still be replicating the movement just not smoothly?