Cant get player character when spawned on server

I am working on a multiplayer game. I tried to spawn a pawn on the server when I select team and possess it to the specify controller. I want to get the pawn in UMG, but I can’t use “Get Owning Player Pawn” to get the pawn. Is really spawned, is owned, but can not get on the client.

Can anyone help me? Please.

Here is my blueprint shoot screen:


In your pawn Blueprint, what are the settings set to under “Replication”?

I’m mainly curious to see if you have at least the following two options enabled:


Net Load on Client

I have really set up Replicates and Net Load On Client.
Here is the setting of Replication:


I have found the solution.Because of the RPC transport faster than Replicate.So I have to set a delay for Replicate success.