I installed the oculus and I tested it out. When I go into Unreal 4.15, the “Preview in VR” is greyed out and I can’t click it. I read that Unreal is suppose to automatically detect the headset when it’s plugged in. Is there something I’m missing?
Can someone please help me. I’ve been trying to figure this out and watched several videos and read several tutorials for setting up, but I have to be missing something.
P.S. Yes, I have put it on to run Unknown sources.
The only way I’ve gotten it to work is doing it through SteamVR. You have to keep the Oculus Home app running but then open up SteamVR and it’ll interpret the Rift into SteamVR HMD metrics which will allow for real-time preview in the editor. There may be a way to get it to work via Oculus Home alone but I could never get it to work. So SteamVR it is!
You have to go in and enable the plugins that you need for oculus. In the file menu go to edit and then down to plugins. The plugin window will load go to the built-in and do a search in to top left for oculus… there are technically 5 different ones… I used oculus rift which allows control over the head mount and if you want to use touch you would need oculus input haven’t played with that one yet. After you check the ones you need the program will reload with them on. After that the preview in vr should work… to get it to work in the game is another story… I think starting with tutorials might help once I get to that point. right now I’m playing with robo recall modding.