I’m making a Niagara particle system. It has it’s own actor blueprint that spawns in certain situations. I want to make it so that I can control the amount of particles or deactivate one emitter when I spawn the blueprint. For some reason, while I can set the directional launch vector in the blueprint, trying to set those variables or deactivate one emitter never works. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.
I believe FXSystem component is for cascadefx, I could be wrong though since it did let you plug the niagara module in but…
What you can do is use a node called ‘kill particle’ in the particle update, and set it to a bool user variable, then activate that bool user variable whenever you want the emitter to immediately destroy all particles.
if you want to just stop spawning as opposed to killing all active particles, you can also use a user bool for the spawn rate/burst nodes. Then depending on if it’s true or false stop spawning.
IN BP you just use the set niagara variable bool to manipulate it.
Edit: Here’s a practical example (the snippet is executed on overlap).
And in action:
It was (until very recently) unimplemented for Niagara, see:
I can confirm 5.4.2 contains an implementation.
I just tried it, yeah it does indeed work.
Maybe what’s failing for the OP is the boolean, the node seems set up correctly otherwise.
I think the approach I described is a bit better though in general since it gives you more control, you can share the same user variable name between many niagara systems and make each one react differently when it is set, but if you use the emitter enable node, you’d have to either name all emitters that need to be toggleable by it the same exact thing, or set the name in an instance editable variable which you change based on the system you’re using.
I’m guessing OP’s issue is probably that they aren’t running 5.4, so short of upgrading the engine version,the user param will be their only way in any case
Yes, I’m on 4.27. I’d like to up the version but haven’t cleared it with my team yet
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