when i have my grid sizes to 64 pixels with box collisions of x32 y32 z40…
it seems to work fine, the navmesh fits perfectly…
but when i switched to smaller sizes of sprites… 32pixels… that uses box collisions of x16 y16 z40 to generate changes in the nav mesh, the navmesh does not fit eh box collision, as if it is the smallest it can get…
my nav mesh settings are included in the attached image
hm, i found an alternative fix… since i use a collision box to affect the navmesh… i just made the collision box smaller… instead of having the collision box same size with the sprite…
all is ok now…
but yeah, it seems the nav mesh cant get any smaller…
but can get smaller if i use a smaller static mesh… weird… :o
You need to change NavigationSystem Supported Agent’s radius. Go to Project Settings → Navigation System ->Supported Agents. If there’s no entry in the array add one.