cant get my unreal engine 5 to work.

so i just got unreal engine 5. My issue is that i cant click anything from file to settings. without it making another window and zooming into the text for example if i wanted to go to file. i click it and it zooms into the word file in a mini window and when i hover away from the word it also disappears, also experiencing black screens as a result to this i think. they said to fix the black screens i have to go to my setting inside the engine but i cant get to my settings because of the first issue. what do i do?

also my pc is not a bad pc 3060ti 36 gb ram, updated drivers, monitor has 165 hz, runs high end gaming all the time. not sure if its a hardware issue. seems more likely to me its trying to run on max settings and its bugging? i can still somewhat use the engine. as in play test some of the prefab assets etc… move the camera around i just cant do anything else. anyway hopefully its not that my pc cant handle it.

Have you tried?

In the Nvidia control panel, under 3D, reset to defaults.

and, in the main editor window:

Window → Load layout → Default editor layout