Can't get a smooth antialiasing

Hello everybody.
I am really lost in terms of antialiasing, I don’t know how to get good results like this:

In this videos de antialiasing is amazing! and I don´t know how to reach it. I testd some different values in the GlobalPostProcessVolume settings/Post Process Volume/Misc, and the result is always bad. In this render I used FXAA and 200 in ScreenPercentaje:

Can anybody help me?

Thank you very much!

Hi !

Try with the Default AA and check in the settings -> Engine Scalability Settings If it’s lower the “High” or “Epic”

Wow, this really helps a lot! thank you!
By the way, which is the Default AA? Temporal AA or FXAA??

So, these are all the parameters affecting the AA or there are some others?

Thank you!

haha glad to know :slight_smile:

The default one is the TemporalAA