Can't generate a solution file for VS Code

I’m trying to generate a solution file for VS Code Linux but didn’t get it. Also I get .vscode dirs both in the project and UE5 install dir.

/opt/UnrealEngine/Unreal_5.4.2/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Linux/ UnrealProjects/TestCpp_5_4_2/TestCpp_5_4_2.uproject 

Setting up Unreal Engine project files...

Setting up bundled DotNet SDK
Log file: /home/psijic/.config/Epic/UnrealBuildTool/Log_GPF.txt

Some Platforms were skipped due to invalid SDK setup: Android.
See the log file for detailed information

Generating VisualStudioCode project files:
Discovering modules, targets and source code for project...
Generating data for project indexing...   
Exception while generating include data for EventLoopUnitTests: Program targets are not currently supported from this engine distribution.
Exception while generating include data for DotNetPerforceLib: Program targets are not currently supported from this engine distribution.
Re-writing a file that was previously written: "/opt/UnrealEngine/Unreal_5.4.2/Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Intermediate/Build/Linux/x64/UnrealEditor/Development/Paper2D/Definitions.Paper2D.h"
Re-writing a file that was previously written: "/opt/UnrealEngine/Unreal_5.4.2/Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Intermediate/Build/Linux/x64/UnrealEditor/Development/Paper2DEditor/Definitions.Paper2DEditor.h"
Re-writing a file that was previously written: "/opt/UnrealEngine/Unreal_5.4.2/Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Intermediate/Build/Linux/x64/UnrealEditor/Development/PaperSpriteSheetImporter/Definitions.PaperSpriteSheetImporter.h"
Generating data for project indexing... 100%
Writing project files... 100%

Generating QueryTargets data for editor...
Total execution time: 5.30 seconds

No errors there, if you have a .vscode dir and a Makefile you are all good, what happens when you open the directory in vscode?

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C++ looks ok, but C# module wants to select a solution: “Your workspace has multiple Visual Studio Solution files; please select one to get full IntelliSense.”

I get that message… and ignore it.

The only times I have needed to edit build files is to add new module deps, for which intellisense is not going to help you at all.

There are probably other reasons to edit them, but I can’t imagine it happens much, or that intellisense is much use while doing so.

I therefore didn’t (and don’t) consider it worth wasting time on. Do you really need/want code completion for C#, which you wont actually be using?

If it builds… start building :slight_smile:

Yeah, not sure if C# files are necessary in UE5 project, but they present. I tried Rider and it generated the solution file by itself and I don’t see any C# file within its scope.