Can't find multiplayer sessions after adding the online Subsystem Steam


when i look for sessions without the online subsystem steam plugin it works(LAN & internet), but when i add the online subsystem steam plugin i can’t find any session.

i added the ini configuration from here: Online Subsystem Steam Interface in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

blueprint setup
find sessions: Screenshot - 9285a30c8ad33970e3eb43c9540d38d7 - Gyazo
join sessions: Screenshot - 82992b12feaa737f5c643161de50841e - Gyazo
create session: Screenshot - 144628bbb477975a7c3045ebb060d5dc - Gyazo
destroy session: Screenshot - cbbb25cebcd7c07b020ec992a570e63e - Gyazo

thanks in advance,

Hey ,

A few questions:


i package the game in development.

i have 2 accounts and pc’s on the same network.

here are the logs

link text

[2016.10.05-11.11.30:862][813]LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Can’t start an online session (Game) in state InProgress
[2016.10.05-11.11.30:862][813]LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Can’t create more than one instance of Steam online subsystem!

It looks like you already have a session or are trying to create more than one session.

This is how I normally setup Create/Join sessions:

still i can’t join my other pc, my pc will not find any session.
link text

For some reason your the session is coming back as invalid.

Can you take a screen shot of your Blueprint that is responsible for creating and joining a session and post it here?


i have created a blueprint project from the launcher, and i only added the INI configuration. do i need the steamworks sdk and the module setup like here Online Subsystem Steam Interface in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

You’ll need to enable the SteamOnlineSubsystem. You can do this by going to Edit → Plugins → Online and checking OnlineSubsystemSteam on.

Complete Setup:







  • In UE4, go to Edit->Plugins
  • Select, Online Platform
  • Enable, Online Subsystem Steam
  • Restart Editor

If running a C++ Project:

Source ->GAMENAME->GAMENAME.Build.cs

Uncomment out the PrivateDependencyModuleNames.Add( ) line:

// Uncomment if you are using online features
// PrivateDependencyModuleNames.Add("OnlineSubsystem");

the blueprint is the same as the first i posted(above).
when i use your INI i not able to create a session. on the create session node it returns On Failure. with my blueprint script and yours

I just made a project to test and everything is working on my end. I am able to create and join sessions between multiple computers and users.

I suggest going through everything again and make sure you’ve followed all the steps required to make sessions work.

here are the latest logs there is somewhere a error: Error: The system cannot find the file specified.

is it possible to send me your project to test?

link text

Here is the project.


i also started a new project with your ini code from above and your blueprint setup this are the logs now i can create a match but my other pc don’t find it here are the logs link text

Are you packaging your project or running from the editor?

Your logs are also showing a lot of other things going on. Much more than what I sent over. So I need to ask again, please make sure your setup is correct and not interfering with anything else.

this is not your project, its packaged in development

I’m not sure what to tell you. I have given you everything you need to do in order to make this work. Take time to look at all of the instructions. Or, start a new project and build it up again with the steps I have provided or just build the project I have providing and try that.

I can’t help you when every time I give you advice, you do something different or don’t answer the question(s) I have asked.

i just tested you project but its also not working

Please explain in every detail possible what you are doing, including buttons you’re pressing, in which order. Explain how you are launching the project. What keys you are pressing, in which order, on which client. Meaning, what key are you pressing to create the session? How about what key you are pressing to join the session? How many times are you pressing each of these keys? Explain what you are seeing on the screen and give as much detail about what it’s doing. As in, does the level reload? Do you see any log messages? If so, what do they say?

Take screenshots and post them to show anything that you cannot fully explain.

You will need to explain your issue with as much detail as you possibly can because I cannot reproduce your issue. Everything on my end seems to be working 100% as it should be.

i have started i project from scratch and tested a few things.

  • 2 Computers on 2 different networks = worked
  • 2 Computers on the same network with LAN enabled = can find match but the joining computer is not travelling
  • 2 computers connect to 2 different router 1 to home router and the other 1 router connected to home router = cant find match in LAN and internet

here is the project: Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life