Can't find file for asset '/Script/OculusLibrary'

If I use any Oculus library blueprint nodes, I sometimes get the following at startup and my project gets hosed:

It seems to have only started with 4.13. I have seen the same issue using SteamVR blueprint function library stuff.

I noticed both OculusLibrary and SteamVR .uplugin files have:

"LoadingPhase" : "Default",

But OculusRift.uplugin has:

"LoadingPhase" : "PostConfigInit",

Shouldn’t they all be PostConfigInit? The plugin documentation says:

If specified, controls when the plugin is loaded at startup. This is an advanced option that should not normally be required. The valid options are Default (which is used when no LoadingPhase is specified), PreDefault, and PostConfigInit. PostConfigInit allows the module to be loaded before the engine has finished starting up key subsystems. PreDefault loads just before the normal phase. Typically, this is only needed if you expect game modules to depend directly on content within your plugin, or types declared within your plugin’s code.

And the OculusLibrary plugin defines some datatypes that game blueprints can rely on, like the user profile structure.

There was a commit last December that moved the OculusRift to PostConfigInit, but it didn’t do the same for OculusLibrary or SteamVR:

I tried changing LoadingPhase for the OculusLibrary uplugin file to PostConfigInit and it seems to have fixed the issue.

That also worked for me. I had the same issue using Oculus Rift. Is this problem addessed?

Just had this issue with SteamVR, Can’t find file ‘/Script/SteamVR’, changing the loading phase to PostConfigInit fixed it!

I’m also having trouble with this error, when opening a map file. Changing the loading phase does not appear to fix the issue. From the log:

LogLinker:Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Script/OculusLibrary’
LogLinker:Warning: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/OculusLibrary’ while loading …/…/…/…/…/…/chai/work/utopia/Utopia411/Content/Maps/Begin.umap.
LoadErrors:Error: Error /Game/Maps/Begin : Can’t find file for asset. /Script/OculusLibrary