Can't enable physics on UInstancedStaticMeshes


I have been trying to enable physics on some instanced static meshes I have within my scene, which are dynamically created at runtime, and so can’t have enabled physics ticked through the editor. I have had no luck with this so far, and was hoping someone could shed some light on the issue.

My header container:


My mesh setup:

My instance creation:

My attempt at enabling physics:

The error message I receive from the editor at run-time:


I haven’t been able to enable physics on InstancedStaticMeshes either :confused:

Hey hoveeagle, I have made a bit of progress, but not too exciting.

By attaching the InstancedStaticMesh to a StaticMesh, we can give the instanced static mesh gravity, but it doesn’t seem to collide with things properly. (as if the InstancedStaticMesh gets its collision+physics from the parent StaticMesh and has no weight)

If you would like, we could work on this together because we have the same goal.

My discord:


Hey, did you enabled the physics? I have the same problem.