I started a project using the Sidescroller Blueprint Template and I can’t seem to edit the out of water jump height. I have a physics volume that is set to act as a water volume. Everything inside the water works fine, but my player has a very hard time getting out of the water volume. When he jumps near the top of the surface, I want his jump height to be roughly the same as it is on land. But as you can see from the overlayed screenshot, he’s not getting any distance upon exiting the water.
I figured changing OutofWater Z or Jump Out of Water Pitch on my player would let me change that, but even at 9999, those values don’t seem to effect anything. I’ve played around with buoyancy, Out of Water step height, gravity, physics on contact, fluid friction, terminal velocity, physics volume priority… nothing seems to make any difference. Am I doing something wrong here? How do I get the OutofWater Z to actually effect my character?
No luck, unfortunately. I’ll keep asking around and post a solution once I find one, but I really feel like I’m at a dead end here. Would love to hear some kind of official response on this.
Looks like this issue is not resolved yet in 4.10.0. I’m trying to disable jumping out of water instead but changing “Out of Water Z” doesn’t affect jump height at all
You could try to apply force to the character checking if it’s falling and it was swimming before and it has a platform/land in front of it to push it out of water. Or play getting out of water root motion animation (like climbing on platform). Not sure about the “OutOfWater Z” option but this might help to resolve the issue using another approach.