Can't download assets through Bridge

I can’t download assets through Quixel Bridge anymore. I realize this is part of the transition to Fab, but I have to say, this is really annoying.

The user experience of Fab is much worse.

I was using Bridge to find the assets I needed (it has better search and preview function), and then easily download them. And it was a great tool for keeping all local files organized, easy to find the assets I need.

Fab apparently doesn’t have a desktop client similar to Bridge. Is this coming? I don’t work in Unreal Engine.

I now have to download files through Fab, and then have to add them manually to Bridge. And when I do this, the asset doesn’t get a thumbnail previews, making organizing worse.

In short, Fab offers no benefits to me over Bridge, which I can no longer use to the same extent. On the contrary it is less user friendly.

Please re-enable downloading assets through Bridge until the transition to Fab is complete in 2025.


You should still be able to access your purchased assets through or Bridge until they are sunset.

If you are experiencing issues downloading from Bridge, I recommend reaching out to the Support team using the support request form.

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The issue is browsing, downloading and organizing new Quixel assets. It’s admirable that you’ve made them all freely available, but it’s now a lot more cumbersome than before.

What’s worse is, I just realized that some assets are not showing up on Fab at all (yet?). Like all 3D plants assets! So I can see all the available 3D plants in Bridge, but can’t download them through there, and when I click “Get it on Fab”, it doesn’t exist on Fab.

Bottom line is you are greatly neutering Bridge functionality, presumably to force people to Fab, when the latter is not ready for use yet, with less functionality, which is a real shame.

It’s never a good move when companies force people away from old, but fully functional solutions, over to a new alternative, which is lacking a lot of the functionality they’ve gotten accustomed to. If you made it a good feature-rich service I would happily migrate to it.


i came here to say this exact thing.

it was useful to be able to download, hit export, and have it automatically import in to the engine. not to mention it stored all downloads neatly and organised for me.

now it’s a zip, extract, import manually… unless im missing something.


Exactly. Thank you.

And when I import the zip files downloaded from Fab, the added material doesn’t get a thumbnail preview in Bridge. The necessary PNG file, which is included in the Bridge download, is not included in the ZIP file from Fab. I can add it myself by grabbing the JPEG thumbnail from Fab, cropping it, and saving it with the appropriate name in the material folder. But that’s obviously rather cumbersome to do for every material downloaded.


Well that’s actually a big dislike on FAB, everything was perfect on bridge and ue5, we could see package, pick what we want, and directly upload it in. Hope it’s not gonna turn like a pay one on the all free assets we had there during all thoses years


Can’t agree more. 3D plants assets doesn’t show up in Fab, and You can’t download it or export them from bridge, and Fab doesn’t got export plug-in like Bridge… If I wanna export 3D plants to Houdini, And I can’t get those assets, What I gonna do?

Thanks for your feedback everyone! It’s been noted and is being reviewed.

As for the 3D plants, they are on the way and they’ll be available as soon as practicable.

In this moment of uncertainty for the audiovisual industry (threatened by AI) the megascan library and its use via bridge represented a certainty for us 3D artists.
The ability to send assets and materials directly into our 3D software allowed us to be competitive, and we need it even more now that competition will force us to be faster and more effective.
The loss of the possibility of using bridge as we have always done in recent years is truly a hard blow for me and all my colleagues. I really hope that Epic Games takes a step back and allows us to use Bridge in the effective way they have accustomed us to.

I also knew that I would have until the end of the year to add other assets into “bridge”, but now I discover that the assets are free (and for this: thanks) but not usable in a functional way.

I have always had great respect for this company for their policy, now I feel emotionally disappointed.

Thank you for your work over these years, I hope you can resolve the current situation, we need it.


can not agree more,i used to download assets through bridge and use the export plugins to import assets into c4d quickly,but now ,

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Hi, Can you please let me know how to do it manually? When I try to download assets from FAB for unreal 5.2, there are lots of file extensions. Which of them work with UE and how to import them?

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Yep, this is terrible. Fab isn’t really a production tool, as Bridge used to be.

The use of megascans in film and TV VFX and previs will steeply decline.

Nobody can sit there individually downloading many files per asset, unzipping them and organizing them on disk, then assetising them in their DCC(s).

what they need to develop is a fast browser - hopefully a discrete application - where you can find assets easily, preview them, download them with all dependencies in to a local library that’s browsable on your machine, - maybe even with plugins to export to the main DCCs… Oh wait… that was Bridge.

I’m concerned that the fact that they chose not to make bridge a window in to fab, and just kill it off completely instead (seemingly) means that they don’t want this functionality now or in the foreseeable future. It was pretty much the only thing that made scanned assets usable in production at the speed and utility required in production.

People paid them for it too. They won’t want to pay for assets any more if they can’t use them efficiently in workflows. They aren’t going to take the time and effort to develop their own in-house ‘Bridge’ like applications for their artists, who often don’t have direct access to the internet due to security policies around intellectual properties of Film and TV studios etc.


Well put. This video also appeared on my YouTube main page. He brings up similar points.


I actually success to download an asset, nothing is linked, the folders are unorganized

This is annoying for the project we have here, and slowing everyone.

If some assets are still on the way, then why don’t let it on bridge to let us keep it ? Cause it just disable them for now. Maybe they will be available on 2025
We have until 2025 to have it but if you remove them all and don’t let us keep it from a place well working, that’s a real mistake for a bad first look on you revolutionary new place


Please re-enable downloading of assets in Quixel Bridge app until 2025. Fab in it’s current form is a unorganized/smaller catalogue of a disaster and makes me want to find assets elsewhere.


Agree with all points in this thread. Also please watch the video below made by Aaron Westwood. Basically goes through all the pain points.


Please - at the very least - just turn this back on for a few weeks and notify everyone - especially studios / VFX houses / professionals. So that pipeline support folks can download the library as it stands.


yeah, just watched it - sums it up perfectly witch all the issues and problems ditching quixel bridge creates. WHY Epic, WHY??

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yep. i agree with everything in this video. it’s a nightmare.


I cant download through qixel eigther its quite annoying and i dont even know how to import the file from (fab) into my project fab seems like a big fail an oh so annoying the just nerfed quixels best feature and also it has a super corny name lol. and from what ive read it looks like itll probably be a paid service in the futre. So quixels dying looks like.

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