Cant created blueprint from c++ class. Class has Blueprintable in UCLASS

Like the title says, I can’t create a blueprint derived from my c++ class even though I have the Blueprintable tag in the UCLASS macro

I have a C++ class that inherits from ATriggerVolume and am trying to create a Blueprint but the option is grayed out.

You might want/need to add “BlueprintType” to your UCLASS Macro. If it’s a component, then the meta “BlueprintSpawnableComponent” would likely also be needed.

So something like:

UCLASS( Blueprintable, BlueprintType )


UCLASS( ClassGroup = ( YourClass ), meta = ( BlueprintSpawnableComponent ) )

I did also try Blueprint type but I don’t think I tried Blueprint Spawnable Component. I’ll give it a shot and let ya know how it goes.

Just an FYI: The use of BlueprintSpawnableComponent is limited to Components (so UActorComponent, for example). So if your class isn’t a component and adding that tag doesn’t work, at least you’ll know why :slight_smile:

And if it’s still not working, do post back! Always start with the simplest of possible solutions and we can work our way through until we reach a proper answer.

Sorry I need to amend this thread. It was actually derived from ATriggerVolume.

So I went and add blueprint able and blueprint type to my trigger volume and it seems like I can now make blueprints! Thanks!

For people who stumbled here.
In my case, I was inheriting from UActorComponent and BlueprintSpawnableComponent didn’t work. I had also to add:
UCLASS( ClassGroup=(Custom), meta=(BlueprintSpawnableComponent), BlueprintType, Blueprintable )
Without Blueprintable it still wasn’t exposed for subclassing in the editor. (UE5)

Im just trying to make a simple c++ obj I`ve tried some things nothing works.

// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "UObject/NoExportTypes.h"
#include "CPP_Object_1.generated.h"

UCLASS( ClassGroup=(Custom), meta=(BlueprintSpawnableComponent), BlueprintType, Blueprintable  )
class CODING_GROUND_API UCPP_Object_1 : public UObject
	int OurPrivateIntegerVariable;

    int GetOurPrivateIntegerVariable();
    void SetOurPrivateIntegerVariable(int NewValue);

I’ve also tried

UCLASS( Blueprintable, BlueprintType )