if it doesnt work it means that your uv islands are overlapping itself.
unreal engine needs a clean uv-map that does not have mirrored nor itself-overlapping uv-islands to generate one.
if you failed to do so… well it either wont generate it, or messes it up.
if there is abslutely no uv map (clear uv mapping) ue4 cant generate a uv-map for you.
all ue4 does is rearrange the existing uv-map into an empty uv-slot and tries to generally make sure each uv-island has about the same texel density.
You will need to go into your 3d program of choice (blender, maya, max, etc) and unwrap your mesh properly there.
if you dont know how, just google “how to unwrap meshes in program I use”
I mean the Unreal engine 4, not autodesk.
But my model is very full of details and it takes a long to set every shape etc.
My question was how can I do it with the unreal engine 4? If I have a overlapping UV
and the method from the over guy does not work for me.
For my other detailed models it works fine in the Unreal engine 4, although these other models has also overlapping Uvs