Can't connect to my game hosted on AWS gamelift

We are trying to develop a game we will host on AWS gamelift.

The problem is when we try to travel to the server. The client faces a connection timeout and thrown back to the client-side map.

The server is getting the request but can’t establish the connection.

On digging a little into the problem we encountered that our office firewall is blocking the connection. But we don’t face this issue while playing PUBG.

Is there anything that we are missing out?

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As you mentioned, the problem comes from your firewall, which is blocking the connection from the other players or the server. One of the usual solutions if you’re using P2P, you can use NAT punchthrough to fix it.

If you’re using P2P, you can use the EOS relay system to solve that particular issue: NAT P2P Interface | Epic Online Services Developer

Since you’re using Gamelift, it might have to do with an issue with ports. They might not be correctly open, so you might want to check on that.

As an alternative, you can check out Edgegap, since they make it really easy to deploy containerized game servers on-demand.

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