Can't connect to localhost

Engine: 5.3.0 source, Steam Subsystem, VS22

Hello community :smiley:

My multiplayer setup works fine when playing as listen server. When I try dedicated, it won’t connect and there is nothing that indicates an attempt, the log stays the same.
Openlevel is set to and win-Server and win-Client builds are up-to-date. The server-map is set in the Project-Settings, also the MainMenu-map as the default one. I even added both to the line list of maps to include in a packaged build.
Port 7777 and 17777 are open and yet nothing seems to work. In the client, (~30sec after try to connect) it seems like it tries to open the server-map, but instead it reopens the MainMenu-map. Open the level via command results in the same.


[2023.11.04-18.38.13:680][  0]LogInit: Display: Starting Game.
[2023.11.04-18.38.13:680][  0]LogNet: Browse: /Game/Maps/DeathMatch/DeathmatchDarkwood?Name=Player
[2023.11.04-18.38.13:681][  0]LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/Maps/DeathMatch/DeathmatchDarkwood?Name=Player
[2023.11.04-18.38.13:681][  0]LogWorld: BeginTearingDown for /Temp/Untitled_0
[2023.11.04-18.38.13:682][  0]LogWorld: UWorld::CleanupWorld for Untitled, bSessionEnded=true, bCleanupResources=true
[2023.11.04-18.38.13:683][  0]MassEntity: New page: MassEntity
[2023.11.04-18.38.13:698][  0]LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took   1.14ms
[2023.11.04-18.38.13:701][  0]LogStreaming: Display: 0.010 ms for processing 737 objects in RemoveUnreachableObjects(Queued=1, Async=0). Removed 3 (874->871) packages and 19 (2491->2472) public exports.
[2023.11.04-18.38.14:130][  0]LogChaos: FPhysicsSolverBase::AsyncDt:-1.000000
[2023.11.04-18.38.14:132][  0]LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world DeathmatchDarkwood
[2023.11.04-18.38.14:133][  0]LogLoad: Game class is 'WizardGameMode_C'
[2023.11.04-18.38.14:135][  0]LogNet: ReplicationDriverClass is null! Not using ReplicationDriver.
[2023.11.04-18.38.14:135][  0]LogNetCore: DDoS detection status: detection enabled: 0 analytics enabled: 0
[2023.11.04-18.38.14:137][  0]LogNet: Display: SteamNetDriver_2147482478 bound to port 7777
[2023.11.04-18.38.14:137][  0]PacketHandlerLog: Loaded PacketHandler component: Engine.EngineHandlerComponentFactory (StatelessConnectHandlerComponent)
[2023.11.04-18.38.14:137][  0]LogNet: GameNetDriver SteamNetDriver_2147482478 IpNetDriver listening on port 7777
[2023.11.04-18.38.14:241][  0]LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/Maps/DeathMatch/DeathmatchDarkwood.DeathmatchDarkwood up for play (max tick rate 30) at 2023.11.04-19.38.14
[2023.11.04-18.38.14:242][  0]LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.104616
[2023.11.04-18.38.14:243][  0]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from EnteringMap to WaitingToStart
[2023.11.04-18.38.14:261][  0]LogGameState: Match State Changed from EnteringMap to WaitingToStart
[2023.11.04-18.38.14:261][  0]LogLoad: Took 0.579185 seconds to LoadMap(/Game/Maps/DeathMatch/DeathmatchDarkwood)
[2023.11.04-18.38.14:262][  0]LogPakFile: AllPaks IndexSizes: DirectoryHashSize=192800, PathHashSize=16, EntriesSize=21840, TotalSize=214656
[2023.11.04-18.38.14:268][  0]LogInit: Display: Engine is initialized. Leaving FEngineLoop::Init()
[2023.11.04-18.38.14:268][  0]LogLoad: (Engine Initialization) Total time: 2.69 seconds

Where is my mistake?

Many thanks.