Can't compile Project with Unreal Engine 5.1

I had a successfully compiling project in 5.0 and I thought of trying out 5.1, but I get this error message in visual studio:

D:\Engines\UE_5.1\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UnrealEditor\Inc\Engine\UHT\KismetSystemLibrary.generated.h(40): fatal error C1189: #error: "KismetSystemLibrary.generated.h already included, missing '#pragma once' in KismetSystemLibrary.h"

I cannot find anything on google, UDN or here. I know the kind of error isn’t unknown, but it’s obviously in the engine code, so I can’t change anything without customizing the whole thing. I installed vs2022 for this, after 2019 didn’t work either. The error stayed, though. I removed the usual subjects as well, like /.vs, /Intermediate, /Binaries and /DerivedDataCache.

I would be really grateful for help or I would have to downgrade the engine version again.

Update: In case anyone else has a similiar issue and needs a solution. I had an absolute path in my includes to the 5.0 version. I got no error message to this problem, as the 5.0 version was still installed, so the path was valid.


Thanks for the update. The error’s cause is indeed an include file which is from another engine version.