Can't compile any Niagara Dynamic Input scripts

I’m seeing a weird issue with Niagara: I can’t compile any dynamic input scripts, even the built-in ones. The error I get looks like this:

LogNiagara: Error: Error compiling input for param map get node. - Node: Map Get - Callstack: MyEmptyModule
Cannot find parameter map for input! - Node: Map Get - Callstack: MyEmptyModule
Error compiling Pin - Node: Output Dynamic Input - Callstack: MyEmptyModule
The HLSL Translator failed to generate HLSL!

If I do this on an existing one, like Multiply Vector By Float, the log is near-identical:

LogNiagara: Error: Error compiling input for param map get node. - Node: Map Get - Callstack: Multiply_VectorByFloat
Cannot find parameter map for input! - Node: Map Get - Callstack: Multiply_VectorByFloat
Error compiling input on Multiply node. - Node: Multiply - Callstack: Multiply_VectorByFloat
Error compiling input on Multiply node. - Node: Multiply - Callstack: Multiply_VectorByFloat
The HLSL Translator failed to generate HLSL!

This doesn’t happen for Modules or Functions, only Dynamic Inputs. Is there something I’m missing here? I first noticed this in 4.20.1 and it’s still happening now that I’ve updated to 4.20.2.

It’s a known issue. Basically the standalone compiler doesn’t handle dynamic inputs very well because it doesn’t end with a parameter map output.

Any way around this issue at the current moment? Or will we simply have to wait for a future update to add our own input scripts?

Don’t worry about it not compiling standalone. Just build it and diagnose the errors as used inline. They work perfectly fine when used (i.e we use them all over the place).