Can't comletely clear Zen DDC cache

I’ve been trying to do some testing with CloudDDC but no matter what I try I can’t seem to find all the places Zen is caching things. I’m deleting these paths but still getting a significant number of hits on Zen’s cache…

  • %LOCALAPPDATA%\UnrealEngine\Common\Zen\Data
  • All DerivedDataCache folders in our workspace

For instance after deleting those paths and running a cook, I got over 14k hits on Zen Local, numbers below.

LogCookStats: Display: ZenLocalGetHits =     14786
LogCookStats: Display: ZenLocalGetTotal=     58255
LogCookStats: Display: ZenLocalGetHitPct=  0.253815
LogCookStats: Display: ZenRemoteGetHits=         0
LogCookStats: Display: ZenRemoteGetTotal=         0
LogCookStats: Display: ZenRemoteGetHitPct=  0.000000
LogCookStats: Display: CloudGetHits    =     43467
LogCookStats: Display: CloudGetTotal   =     43469

So clearly I’m missing some path that is holding cached data. What am I missing?