Can't click 3D widget in VR

I made widget that has button and I attached it to actor that I added to the level. When I launce the game with VR-glasses, I can’t click the buttons. Hovering works and it can trigger events, but I can’t click it. I have Advanced VR Framework V2x plugin in use, and it works fine.

Any ideas what to do? I have searched from everywhere, but I can’t find the solution.

You need to add a “Widget Interaction component”, to your VRHand, which apparently you already had. but you need also to set the Input event in your pawn.

Like this:

The problem was that the widget was inside of a trigger box and it somehow blocked. I had to set in collision to ignore everything else, but pawn and then it worked.

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The problem was that the widget was inside of a trigger box and it somehow blocked. I had to set in collision to ignore everything else, but pawn and then it worked.

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