Can't change culture in runtime


I tried


but it doesn’t solved my problem. Re-initialization of the widgets after that command not solved the problem…

After that call it still showing texts in “en” culture. But if I restart game with -culture=ru-RU - it showing texts in needed culture, ie my translation works correctly.

I think that’s bug - UE, as AAA engine must provide support to change culture in runtime, without game restart.

Hey -

I’ve entered a feature request to allow changing the language during runtime and to make the change simpler (UE-26154).


What’s the current status of this bug? Did it make it into the final 4.11?

This should already work fine, and our own games use this to update their cultures on the fly.

I asked for more information on the forum post, but none was ever given, and the bug was marked as invalid.

Are you also seeing this? If so I’ll need more information to be able to help you.

Trying to change culture in text renderers with bp. All ‘text’ fields are already translated but after culture changed they just dissapear.