Cant Build - Swarm Agent error.

Worked on 4.6.1 before the upgrade to 4.7.x

Cant build Lighting or all

10:45:01 AM: Starting up SwarmAgent …
10:45:01 AM: … registering SwarmAgent with remoting service
10:45:01 AM: … registering SwarmAgent network channels
10:45:01 AM: … initializing SwarmAgent
10:45:01 AM: … certificate check has failed
10:45:01 AM: … initializing cache
10:45:01 AM: … using cache folder ‘C:/SwarmCache’
10:45:01 AM: … recreating SwarmAgent cache staging area
10:45:01 AM: … initializing connection to SwarmCoordinator
10:45:01 AM: … using SwarmCoordinator on RENDER-01
10:45:01 AM: … SwarmCoordinator successfully initialized
10:45:01 AM: … initializing local performance monitoring subsystem
10:45:02 AM: … initialization successful, SwarmAgent now running
10:45:05 AM: [Interface:TryOpenConnection] Local connection established
10:45:05 AM: [Job] Accepted Job 410DCA68-4C4D5A16-479DC6BC-2CF86F2B
10:47:25 AM: [Interface:OpenChannel] Error: System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file ‘C:\SwarmCache\AgentStagingArea\A6640D7233BF47B4BBCF76BB4350A2B5.30CBE33D42C23B2E8CB6E49476EFD274.mtrlgz’ because it is being used by another process.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.FileStream…ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
at System.IO.FileStream…ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
at NSwarm.FSwarmInterface.OpenChannel(String ChannelName, EChannelFlags ChannelFlags)

I can imagine two things, it might be that process is running twice and has the file so opened exclusivly once and fails the second time, or you got an antivirus or such that opens the file and blocks usage.

If you cannot figure why its already open you could go download Sysinternals Process Explorer, “Find” -> “Find handle or dll” with the filename will show you which process has the file open.

SwarmAgent starts minimized by default so you don’t need to open a new instance or anything. That’s not what’s happening right?

Edit: or…hmm are working locally? You can distribute SwarmAgent as well but that’s not relevant if you only work locally.

Restart computer, or something to do with the connection?

Running Local only, swarm is only running 1 time, rebooted more than 1 time, nothing running but unreal 4.7, no antivirus running, no firewall running.

After launch of swarm it never stops “Exporting scene”.

The moment I get under 3000 Actors it starts working… I randomly delete Actors so its not an actor. tested it 4 times.

10:43:47 AM: [Interface:TryOpenConnection] Local connection established
10:43:48 AM: [Job] Accepted Job A75BFD64-47F5D0D3-C022B5AB-592599C3
10:46:56 AM: [Job] Launched Job UnrealLightmass_2015-04-04_14-33-28_1177584-64bit.exe
10:46:56 AM: [Job] PID is 75340
10:46:56 AM: [Job] GUID is “A75BFD64-47F5D0D3-C022B5AB-592599C3”
10:46:56 AM: LogLightmass:Display: Lightmass Win64 started on: MADNY. Command-line: A75BFD6447F5D0D3C022B5AB592599C3 -numthreads 6
10:46:56 AM: Lightmass Win64 started on: MADNY. Command-line: A75BFD6447F5D0D3C022B5AB592599C3 -numthreads 6
10:46:56 AM: LogLightmass:Display: Processing scene GUID: A75BFD6447F5D0D3C022B5AB592599C3 with 6 threads
10:46:56 AM: Processing scene GUID: A75BFD6447F5D0D3C022B5AB592599C3 with 6 threads
10:46:56 AM: Building static lighting…
10:46:56 AM: [Job] Found a parent connection for PID 75340
10:46:56 AM: [Job] 7FB120E6 → 0FBC0E8D
10:46:56 AM: [Interface:TryOpenConnection] Local connection established
10:47:00 AM: Measured CPU frequency: 3.50 GHz
10:47:00 AM: FStaticLightingSystem started using GKDOPMaxTrisPerLeaf: 4
10:47:00 AM: Number of texture mappings: 3586
10:47:00 AM: Number of fluid mappings: 0
10:47:00 AM: Number of landscape mappings: 1024
10:47:00 AM: Number of BSP mappings: 0
10:47:00 AM: Number of static mesh instance mappings: 3586
10:47:00 AM: Reserving memory for 4610 meshes, 7542162 vertices, 12105093 triangles
10:47:04 AM: Scene surface area calculated at 61382.816 million units (7.210% of the estimated 851367.688 million units)
10:47:04 AM: Importance volume surface area calculated at 0.000 million units (0.000% of the estimated 3769.911 million units)
10:47:04 AM: Preallocated 1.7Gb for kDOP nodes and triangles
10:47:14 AM: Building kDOP took 10.78 seconds.
10:47:14 AM: Static lighting kDOP: 7534646 nodes, 3767324 leaves, 15069296 triangles, 7542162 vertices
10:47:14 AM: Static lighting kDOP: 19.849% wasted space in leaves
10:47:14 AM: kDopTree.Nodes : 804.8Mb
10:47:14 AM: kDopTree.SOATriangles : 1034.7Mb
10:47:14 AM: kDOPTriangles : 0.0Mb
10:47:14 AM: TrianglePayloads : 368.6Mb
10:47:14 AM: MeshInfos : 0.0Mb
10:47:14 AM: Vertices : 115.1Mb
10:47:14 AM: UVs : 57.5Mb
10:47:14 AM: LightmapUVs : 57.5Mb
10:47:14 AM: Static lighting kDOP: 7534646 nodes, 3767324 leaves, 15069296 triangles, 7542162 vertices, 2438.3 Mb
10:47:14 AM: Processing…
10:47:15 AM: EmitDirectPhotons complete, 2.529 million photons emitted in 0.8 seconds
10:47:15 AM: EmitIndirectPhotons complete, 0.000 million photons emitted in 0.0 seconds
10:47:15 AM: Marking Irradiance Photons complete, 0.000 million photons marked in 0.1 seconds
10:47:37 AM: Caching Irradiance Photons complete, 6.255 million cache samples in 21.6 seconds
10:47:37 AM: Calculate Irradiance Photons complete, 0.000 million irradiance calculations in 0.1 seconds
10:53:53 AM: Lighting 10.1%
10:55:37 AM: Lighting 20.3%