Can't break USTRUCT

I’ve declared a USTRUCT in C++, and I am trying to access it in UE4. It was working fine in 4.5 (I could break the struct and access the variables). In fact, it still works, if I copy/paste the break node that I already had from 4.5. it even updates correctly if I add or remove variables from it.

When I try to break the struct now, I dont’ even get an option for it. Is there a trick for accessing USTRUCT variables in 4.6 or is this something that broke with all the API changes?

Found out I just needed to change USTRUCT() to USTRUCT(blueprintable). I guess this came in the 4.6 update…

Hey, have you tried changing USTRUCT() to USTRUCT(Blueprintable)?

Do you encounter the same problem in a new, fresh project?

Same problem here. Can’t even break results from line traces. WTF.

Another thing I found is that you have to mark all your variables in the struct as UPROPERTY() with BlueprintReadWrite / BlueprintReadOnly to make them appear in the break node (or even make the break node visible) :slight_smile:

Maybe this helps someone in the future!


Hi community,

I had the same issues and found this thread.

With the latest version (4.24) I had to use USTRUCT(BlueprintType) and UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite,…) to make it breakable. Furthermore you can use UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite,…) to make it breakable and editable in the editor. I use these properties to set animations and use them in the Blueprint animation script.


it works, thank you.