Can't access to base clase components from editor

Sorry for my bad english.

Well, this is my problem, im trying to make an animation state machine for 2D character and i have a class for each states, these classes inherit from another class, the thing is i cant access to the components of my base class, in fact, i cant access to any component in my states classes and i can´t find the solution.

I just want to the UPaperflipbook array in the picture 1 can be seted in editor.

It’s not working :c

In your AIndieCharacter class declaration, you haven’t included the API declaration, this may be your issue. Without that UE4 can add those members to the class, but can’t reference their internal properties from that context.

See what hapens if you change:

class AIndieCharacter : public ACharacter


class INDIE_API AIndieCharacter : public ACharacter

Couple other things you can try:

Make sure both classes have the “BlueprintType” and “Blueprintable” specifiers in the UCLASS macro.

Rather than storing the values within an array, create UIndieAnimationState* properties in your AIndieCharacter class and directly assign the CreateDefaultSubObject returns to that (these are just temporary for debug purposes now), see if you can edit those properties in the editor.
Also test to make sure they are not null.

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "States|Test States")
UIndieAnimationState* IdleAnimation;


//.cpp, within constructor
IdleAnimation = CreateDefaultSubObject<UIndieAnimationState>(TEXT("Idle Animation"));

if (!IdleAnimation)
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Idle Animation is NULL"));



Let me know if you can edit those properties directly; if you can it’s not an issue with the UIndieAnimationState class, it has to do with the array or the AIndiCharacter class.

I’ll try to reproduce this and post my results when I get back to my machine in a couple hours if you’re still having problems.