Cannot save builddata

When i built a level, and i tried to save, i got an error - The asset ‘/Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/level1_BuiltData’ (level1_BuiltData.uasset) failed to save. And i don’t know what to do… In message log i got: Asset ‘…/…/…/…/…/…/Users/iNera/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject/Content/FirstPersonBP/Maps/level1_BuiltData.uasset’ cannot be saved as it has only been partially loaded. Please help.

Sorry for my English but i am from Poland

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I could easily be wrong on this one but the only time I have seen this is when I’ve had multiple copies of the same project open. Unreal will allow you to open the same project twice. Because the other open editor is holding references to the same assets, then first editor can’t save it’s data. And will report this when it tries to save.

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So I am having the same issue (modded github source engine) but I would swear I only have one instance running. This is so frustrating it’s brought my progress to a complete halt

as Workaround - I’ve duplicated level ,and was able to rebuild/save it. Delete un-saveble level, after that - renamed duplicated level to orignal level name. No clear understanding what the root cause of save issue.

Still getting this in 2024…

The following assets failed to save correctly:
No second editor running, and no reference to anything that might be causing it. Nice

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