Cannot rotate HDRI during gameplay

Hi all,
I have a scene with an HDRI backdrop actor (several, actually, but it really doesn’t matter).
I am trying to rotate it during gameplay using the Level Blueprint, but when I press the button, I can see the backdrop image changing orientation for a split second, but it returns to 0 immediately.
If I eject using F8 and view the actor, it seems as if it has the correct value in its slot, only that it did not actually rotate. If I manually change the number in the editor an press Enter, it does rotate.
Seems as if there is a post-edit callback jumping after the “SetActorRotation” function which resets the update when called from BP. What am I missing here?
For the record, I have tried every possible relative/absolute/world function there is on the actor or its root component, and they all give the same result.

Did you ever solve this? I basically have the exact same problem.

  • Rotate value is populated correctly in the editor
  • HDRIBackdrop jitters but does not rotate
  • If i disable visibility and enable again, HDRI updates to the expected rotation

we check HDRIBackdrop, we can find function CreatMaterial. And we can find this function help us set WorldRotation.

So after u change actor or SceneComponent, run CreatMatrial can rotate actor or SceneCompoent successfully.