Game runs fine in UEFN session, and has no issues validating during memory check or uploading private version. However, private versions can’t be published. I get the following error during the Verse Validation step:
You can’t publish this version because your Verse persistable data is not backward compatible with your current active version. Please publish a new version from UEFN that is compatible with your current active version.
VerseBuild: Error: C:/build/FortniteGame/Plugins/GameFeatures/a0858128-4d0c-81d7-5137-9db9452c621a/Content/poker_setup_device.verse(533,12, 533,16): Script error 3588: Ambiguous identifier; could be or
Please select what you are reporting on:
Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
Steps to Reproduce
- Attempt to publish any of the last dozen or so private version pushed. They all show the same Verse Validation error.
Expected Result
I would like to be able to publish the island!
Observed Result
You can’t publish this version because your Verse persistable data is not backward compatible with your current active version. Please publish a new version from UEFN that is compatible with your current active version.
VerseBuild: Error: C:/build/FortniteGame/Plugins/GameFeatures/a0858128-4d0c-81d7-5137-9db9452c621a/Content/poker_setup_device.verse(533,12, 533,16): Script error 3588: Ambiguous identifier; could be or
Island Code
Additional Notes
Private Island Code: 3520-6301-2193
Public Island Code: 0004-2034-3582
The island has not been working for a while due to various verse/fortnite changes that I only recently was able to resolve. I’m not actually using persistence (intentionally at least), and the class (variable?) mentioned (poker_setup_device.ShowBarrier) has actually been renamed, so I really have no idea what is going on. Would love any assistance, was hoping to show this off some at UnrealFest next week!