I was installing a third party plugin to fix Android 12 issue for google console as per new policy. I created a new folder as “Plugins” and paste my plugin folder there. And I opened my project, I’ve manually enabled my plugin and restart the editor. The next time when my project opens I got this
when I clicked yes it tried to rebuild but unsuccessful and gave this error
I saw some youtube tutorial so I right click on my project file and clicked “Generate Visual Studio Project Files”
And then I got an sln file and I opened it with visual studio and tried to build my file by ctrl+shift+b as per youtube tutorials I got 2 errors.
![visual studio error|690x376]
Perhaps you need to compile the plugin manually. This is a step that is not done automatically by vs. You need to open the plugins folder in the solution explorer and compile it manually. You should be able to build that specific folder separately from the project (it has it’s own build file).
This may fix the problem, but if it was built for another version of the engine besides your 4.27 then you might need to update deprecated code to get it up to your version standards.
Also make sure you have all of the android SDK setup correctly
Could you either pack the plugin folder or send a link to the android fix repository or source? I could then test if it compiles and runs on 4.27 on my end.
is it this by any chance?
Did you put it in the correct directory? It compile fine on my pc.
The right click your uproject file and choose
“Generate Visual Studio project files”
Then run the .sln file and compile the project from within visual studio.
It should run the editor with your project and the plugin should be ready to load.
The plugin you gave me link of, yes I am using that one. But as I am new to Unreal engine and doing this first time I dont know how to compile plugin manually. I have setup my sdk ndk properly .I am using UE4.27, I have tried deleting all binaries folder from the project but still giving me the same error when building on visual studio.
I even replaced my android12fix plugin with your given plugin zip file but didn’t worked. And now its not even showing plugin name in the error. Rampit is my game name in case if you get confused.
In case you need to check my logs from save folder of my project here it is:
But it seems from your post that it is not having problems with the plugin directly but with the project.
Have you switched engine versions during the development process? (upgrade or downgraded)
If so then deleting the folders I mentioned and rebuilding should also help.
The plugin doesn’t seem to have all the files to do a separate compile, but it does compile with the project so maybe it doesn’t need the extra configuration.
No I haven’t switch Engine version while development. I guess using your plugin file fixed my plugin build issue but having a new error in visual studio. Please guide me if you know how to fix.
As you can see its telling me to add a line in a file. I’ve found that file but as I have no coding experience could you tell me where I should add this line?
As I could remember the second error is most probably because of the unsuccessful build in command prompt. I saw this video and did what he told.
Video Link:
You could try modifying the .Target.cs files in you project adding bPrecompile = true;
For both YourProjectName .Target.cs and YourProjectName Editor.Target.cs
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.
using UnrealBuildTool;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class YourProjectNameTarget : TargetRules
public YourProjectNameTarget(TargetInfo Target) : base(Target)
Type = TargetType.Game;
DefaultBuildSettings = BuildSettingsVersion.V2;
ExtraModuleNames.AddRange( new string[] { "YourProjectName" }
bPrecompile = true;
Edit: You put the bPrecompile = true; in the wrong place
here is an example of a proper target file:
using UnrealBuildTool;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class NavigateCornerEditorTarget : TargetRules
public NavigateCornerEditorTarget(TargetInfo Target) : base(Target)
Type = TargetType.Editor;
DefaultBuildSettings = BuildSettingsVersion.V2;
ExtraModuleNames.AddRange( new string[] { "NavigateCorner" } );
bPrecompile = true;