I think you solved the main problem of this forum that was the plugin build issue. Now the problem is in game project file.
So I think I should start a new forum for game project build issue, I will keep this forum opened so you could reply if you found anything.
What’s your opinion?
If you find the solution as satisfactory then I would mark it as solved.
I will try my best to get a basic project up and running with the plugin and post a link to it once it’s done.
I solved it! I was using ads on my project as it was a mobile game.
I didn’t specified target platform for advertisement that’s why it was giving the errors.
The code looks like this:
if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android)
PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string {
“OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay”, “AndroidAdvertising” });
this forum helped me solving my errors:
@3dRaven Thanks bro staying with in my hard times, appreciate it!
I yet have to check If that plugin solves Play Store Android 12 issue. Did your one worked?
I got android studio setup up and running with line-command and SDK but for some reason androidSetup.bat it getting stuck even though I specified my JAVA_HOME environment variables.
Perhaps it’s a java version thing. Will try to get it running tomorrow.
I’m happy that you were able to get passed the error.
I tried that plugin too and It doesn’t worked. I think my gradle file is glitched.
Because when I click on app.app main:
It takes me to the line 29 where is no logic of writing android:exported=“true”.
What should I do?
"For an app targeting Android SDK Version 31(Android 12 OS) or above we need to set the android:exported="true"
for any of our app’s own activity and any 3rd party library’s activity in our app’s manifest, where ever the <intent-filter...
is added.
We faced this issue for auth0 Android SDK."
Also your error message mentions you need it for "<receiver …NetworkProviderReceiver>. Check if it has android:exported=“true”
I checked thousands of time but everywhere android exported is true, in every single intent filter
Can I give you this xml working file anyway?
Do I have to give whole project zip file or just intermediate will be enough for working?
You can ommit:
- intermediate
- binary
- saved
- .vs
- derivedDataCache
and the project .sln file
All of the above can be regenerated via the uproject file.
I am getting error uploading file I think its too big that why
Let me try
Still cant upload the file. I got one more method I can try that downgrading my sdk version to 30 and buildi pakage then check manifest and after fixing it build the pakage again.
I’ll update here if it works or not
Finally! I’ve also fixed android exported issue. All I need to do was just type the missing receiver android name and android:exported=“true” at the same line.
All the errors are fixed. Thankyou!
@Anqeror Cogratulations!