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Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
I am unable to launch session when referencing a blueprint prop that was created from an existing prop in the editor.
The steps I’m taking are similar to what is outlined in this article: Spawn devices dynamically using Verse! (And a bit of cursed tricks) | Community tutorial
However, I am doing this with just a regular prop, rather than a device.
When trying to launch session, I am met with a validation error stating I have an illegally referenced asset.
Steps to Reproduce
- Place TA Alphabet X prop on editor
- Press Create Blueprint from Actor button in details panel
- Select “Child Actor” and “Building Prop” from menu and press Select
- From my custom creative device, reference the new blueprint as my spawnable prop within an editable creative_prop_asset = DefaultCreativePropAsset
- Launch Session
Expected Result
Session should launch and code should use the blueprint to spawn it when called for.
Observed Result
Session fails to launch and I am met with the following validation errors:
/ExtremeTicTacToe/TA_Alphabet_X_Blueprint Illegal reference: /Game/Creative/Sets/PropSets/Primitives/Customization/Materials/MI_Primitive_WorldGrid_CarbonFiber .
[AssetLog] /ExtremeTicTacToe/TA_Alphabet_X_Blueprint : Illegally references asset /Game/Creative/Sets/PropSets/Primitives/Customization/Materials/MI_Primitive_WorldGrid_CarbonFiber. . (FortValidator_IllegalReferences)
Additional Notes
I am unsure why I am unable to create a blueprint from an existing prop to then reference in my verse code to spawn. I have tested this with a regular prop (no blueprint) and the game launches as expected and the code functions as expected.
I have tested this with various other props and all result in the same outcome of being unable to launch my game.