cannot load my Quixel Bridge metahuman character assets in UE

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cannot load my Quixel Bridge metahuman character assets in UE

Steps to Reproduce

login to UE editor, click “Quickly add to the project”, choose “Quixel Bridge”, go to “Metahumans”, select “My Metahumans”

Expected Result

should load the Metahuman character assets I made

Observed Result

shows “no assets here”


unreal engine editor

I am experiencing the same issue. It’s been going on 4 days now. I have signed out and signed back in. When I go to MHC and click on “My Metahumans” it says “error code 1” and says it’s a problem with the server. I need this to be fixed ASAP as I cannot access my custom metahumans for a client project.

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