Cannot find Unreal engine version 5.1.1 in Epic Games Launcher

Hi everyone!

I was trying to update the Engine from version 5.1.0 to version 5.1.1 but for some reasons the version doesn’t show up in the launcher. I tried updating the launcher to the latest version but it did nothing.
I was wondering if someone had encountered the same issue and if there is a know fix to this.

Thanks in advance to everyone responding to this post.

This button




( Ignore me being on 5.1.1 )

that’s exactly what i tried to do, but version 5.1.1 doesn’t show up in the list

Ah, it’s because it’s a minor version. It should prompt you to update, right here


The fact is it doesn’t prompt at all, and the launcher doesn’t seem to know there’s been a new hotfix update

It only does it periodically. I don’t know what the pattern is… :melting_face: