I’m trying to disable the CanvasPanel, and all its children. Unfortunately nothing seems to work.
From the Canvas C++ code, SetIsEnabled(false) does not work. Looping through all the widgets doesn’t seem to work:
TArray<UWidget*> widgets;
for (int32 x = 0; x < widgets.Num(); ++x)
When I uncheck the Is Enabled for the CanvasPanel within the editor, and start my game, it works.
What am I doing wrong? Any suggestions?
The Code you got has a slight error you increasse “x” first basicly skipping the first item Change it to “x++” instead and it will work as you have it.
Alternativly you can do this =) it looks nicer
WidgetTree->ForEachWidget([&](UWidget* Widget) {
Thank you Nachtmahr, the ForEachWidget is a nice alternative.
I would like to point out that the above code does not miss the first element, as can be seen from a Visual Studio screenshot:
Also, I would recommend a Internet search on Pre-Post Increment reasons. For example, here is one:
May 19, 2017, 10:47pm
I tried it with:
Even if I PrintString the IsEnabled state of the Canvas it tels me false. Everything works as expected regardless if I start out with false or true.
Did you by any chance grabbed some SubTree?
Yes, you are right, it does work as expected.
The real problem was incorrectly thinking that I was displaying a model window and waiting for the response:
menuManager->ShowMenu(DeleteMenu, false);