Cannot cast from float2 to float3

I’m getting a warning about an function I have created.

In your “PBR_Textures” material function your uv function input is of type float3. Your “Surface” material function probably outputs a float2 because uv’s have two channels (a “u” channel and a “v” channel). So to fix this you would just need to change your “Input UV’s (Vector3)” to a a vector2.

ManlyDrew, Thank you so much. Problem solved. I appreciate your help.

ManlyDrew, Thank you so much. Problem solved. I appreciate your help.

change your “Input UV’s (Vector3)” to a vector2

How do you do this? I’ve searched for info on this but can’t find anything.

You click on the Function Input node, then on the details pane on the left of the screen, under “Input Type”, set it to “Function Input Vector 2”

Hi so sorry, I am facing the same problem here and I’ve read the entire thread, but…what Function Input node?

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@Kimying click on your Input note and on the left side panel, exactly under your preview window, you have the Details panel and under “Material Expression Function Input” you will find “Input Type” with a drop-down selection list. Here’s a screenshot:
Hope this helps!