Cannot bind to ModalDialogViewModel after 27.00 update

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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After 27.00 update, I am not longer able to compile any preexisting or new UserWidgets that try to bind to the CreativeModalDialogViewmodel.

Steps to Reproduce

Create a Modal Dialog Variant UserWidget. Add a Loud Button. Bind the Click Event of the button to CreativeModalDialogViewmodel.Response. Press Compile.

Expected Result

Success compilation of User Widget.

Observed Result

Compile failed with following message:
Binding ‘GetResponseButton1(UEFN_Button_Loud_C.ClickEvent) → CreativeModalDialogViewmodel.Response’: The property path ‘CreativeModalDialogViewmodel.Response’ is invalid.



Additional Notes

This is a big showstopping bug for me. Cannot update any widgets for my island.

Got the Same Problem as you. Working on a UEFN Game and i cant bind widgets to the Viewmodal

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The status of UCB-1038 incident has been moved from ‘Awaiting Validation’ to ‘Closed’.

Also having the same issue.

Also having the same exact issue.

Same, and of course this is my first time trying to use it so I’ve wasted a crap ton of time troubleshooting just to find out it’s not even working.

What release will the bugfix be in?

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This is still broken in 27.10.

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Look still broken in 29.00

I found a fix for this, absolutely ridiculous issue really, you can’t reference the widget inside your modal widget.

If your binding is like this you will get a compiling error

The issues comes from [Main >] in the “field” field
(“Main” is my widget’s name)

This happens when you select the button from the widget (on the right side of the menu)


DON’T Do this

Instead do this:


Expand your widget on the left side down until your button then your event

you should end up with something that looks like this:

Notice there’s no mention of widget name in the bindings area!

Technical explanation:
The compiler can’t resolve the path <WIDGET_NAME>.UEFN_Button_Quiet_C.ClickEvent for some reason it instead expects UEFN_Button_Quiet_C.ClickEvent directly and not referenced from inside your widget

In any case, i hope this besky bug gets fix because it’s extremely confusing.
Best regards.


Work better like that, thank !