I was wondering if you can do some post process to some actors while others remains with no post process effect or maybe another post process effect for them… Thanks!!!
I belive this is impossible. There are ways to make localized post processing effects. But as far as I know, due to the way the Unreal 4 does rendering, it is not possible to make one actor get affected, and one not.
I saw many posts without answers like this, and I gave up on this myself. If someone proves me wrong, I will be happy as much as you are.
Seems logic
If you’re not using custom depth for other purposes, you can enable custom depth on the actors you want affected by (or excluded from) the post process effect. Then in your post process material, check the custom depth buffer.
Interesting… you mean something like this? - YouTube
Maybe? Not sure what sort of setup this person is using.
Tom Looman goes over various ways to use Custom Depth on his website:
I believe what we lack is the amount of tutorials related to Custom Depth.
For example, I want to exclude my player from any post process effect by any means. Though there doesn’t seem to be a way.
I think I achieved something that you can use to a small degree. At least it is more than enough for me.
I get zero credits as most of I have done was copy pasting and testing on what is best for me.
Here is a scene where you can change the color of the whole map but not the mesh that is blue, which has depth buffer on.
When you create this Post Process material, make sure to make an instance of it “Create Material Instance” by right clicking over the material. Then add it to Post Process Box’s Blendable property section. In the instance, you can change the color all you want.
Also don’t forget to check this one on your meshes that you want them to be excluded from post process effect.
Note that changes at your post process box will STILL effect this mesh. I have yet to find out how to prevent that, but for now, my own solution is enough for me, and you may want to fiddle more for your own needs. Good luck!
yep true that
Ok this is a big help, ill try today on my free time for sure… any upgrade i get ill be doing the feedback here!!!
How do you control the jittering? whne you look closer to the mesh edges it jutter
My meshes do not jitter. Make sure your Scene Texture is not set to Scene Color (This jitters). It needs to be PostProcessInput0. Also in your post process settings change the anti aliasing settings to see if it works.
I am not very well versed with materials and didn’t fully understand this solution but I updated my post process material and it worked like a charm. Thanks!
Also you can render custom stencil instead of depth and following comparisons
Also you can render custom stencil instead of depth and following comparisons