Hey There Lets Say I Have Two Widgets, Widget A & Widget B, Widget A has Text Block WIth Visible Anywhere like so:
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, Category = Title, meta = (BindWidget))
class UTextBlock* OutputTextBlock;
Widget A is then add to widget B from the UMG editor. When clicking on Widget A Inside of Widget B you can see all of the “OutputTextBlock” Appearance Category Stuff but you can’t edit it as it’s Only VisibleAnywhere. My Question Is: Is there a way where I can edit all those Parameters via the details pannel of Widget B? I really don’t want to have to program my own way of allowing that so if there is that would be great and if not then I best get to work.
Sorry for the late reply After lots of searching it seems like what I was looking for was not fully possible so I hade to make my own little work around