Im wondering if theres any possible way that you could assign materials on import to those with a matching material name?
In 3ds max i have hundreds of assets that only use about 10 materials maximum from a multisub and im wondering if instead of having to apply each texture seperately in unreal i can have unreal just replace the ones on the max fbx with the ones i created in unreal?
I’m not 100% sure that this works the same in 3DS Max (I use Maya), but I think it should. If you assign materials to the mesh(es) that you export to FBX, with the same names as the materials in your Unreal Scene, UE will use those materials automatically. For instance if you have a material called M_Glossyred in your UE project, and set the material on your mesh to M_Glossyred before exporting the FBX, UE should assign the correct material automatically. I don’t remember if you need to uncheck the “import materials” box in the import settings or not, but that should be easy enough to try out =)