Can we Export Static Mesh with specific LOD?

I made a Static Mesh of Metahuman. Inside the Editor, we can adjust the LOD:

Normally I use [browser-right click my static mesh-Asset Actions-Export] to get the .OBJ file, however, I want to export the mesh at LOD 4(less vertex and triangles), but I didn’t find any option provided. Any Ideas?

Still waiting for an answer :sweat_drops:

Make a copy of the asset, and in the copy, remove all the other LODs. Then export.

Thanks dude , you save my day !

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i found i cannot remov lod 0

Correct. Not without a plugin, like

I know a couple of ways to do this,
Easiest way is to place the target actor into the scene, select it, In unreal 5, go to actor>merge actors>merge actor setting, there you will see an option “LOD selection type” to chose specific LOD.
there are a bunch of other options too, So If you can read, you can do amazing things xD.

Second method is to delete every Lower LOD and then export the mesh from engine as fbx, and check “level of detail” it will export the last LOD as a mesh.
for example, I have a mesh with 5 LODs, If I export it with level of detail checked. it will export LOD5 as a mesh. and If I want to export LOD2, I will delete all lower LODs.

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The merge actors trick is what I needed. Thanks!